Q: How can I buy this item?
A: 1) Send us an inquiry in Alibaba website and our sales will offer you the quotation and trading details.
2) Visit our website to choose the units you like.
3) Visit our Brand website to choose the units you like.
2. Q: What is the quality?
A: 1) Hardware: To ensure the stability of the system, the laser head, lens, motor, and amplifier lens are famous brand like Sony, Panasonic, HITACHI;
2) LCD display: original LCD with no spot or dead pixels;
3) Fluid dispensing: To ensure the FPC are well connected.
4) Quality inspections: semi-finished product test, before burn-in, after born-in, QC, QA, factory inspection.
5) Tests: shock, high temperature, low temperature, falling down etc
3. Q: How long is the warranty?
A: All of the products are provided with one year warranty service.
Contact the sales and return the unit with a RMA return form and RMA NO.
We will repair it for you. (Except man-made factors)
4. Q: What if the new unit does not work after installation?
A: First, you can contact the sales to confirm if the installation and connection is correct;
Second, if the first step is okay, then Please provide us more details as possible, provide a video if necessary;
Third, we will report the problems to the Technology Department to provide a solution;
Fourth, if the unit still remains broken, then contact the sales and return the products to the repair center with a RMA return form and RMA. NO (Except man-made factors)
5. Q: Can I be a reseller or dropshipper of your company?
A: Yes, welcome to contact us for more details.